follow Queen Elizabeth II: A model of great leadership
source site Over the past week it has been near impossible to avoid the flowing tributes to Queen Elizabeth II. Throughout her 70-year reign, she was one of the most stable and consistent public figures and her leadership is one that all leaders should be looking at carefully and emulating where possible.
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follow url While the Queen herself did not design the way in which the Royal Family’s line of succession operates, it is an important reminder that leadership changes are easier to understand and accept when a succession plan is in place. When a leader decides to leave, it creates a lot of concern for employees: will the next person be any good?
click here They’re the same questions the world is now asking of King Charles III, but he has the advantage of over 70 years of preparation and, should he decide he’s not up to the task, there are others who also have extensive preparation ready to step up.
see Having a succession plan in leadership honours the consistency and trust you have built during your time as leader, recognising that it’s important to do everything in your power to ensure that strong leadership continues into the future. A succession plan is one of the only ways you can contribute to the future in this way.
see Most of us will never stay in one role for as long as the Queen, nor have the same kinds of resources at hand, but there’s no reason we cannot examine what the world loved about her leadership and bring that into our own styles wherever we can. Want to become a leader that your team respects and trusts? People Make the Difference can help. To find out more, visit or call us on 0412 333 415. Try our online leadership training videos – $99 for complete access. Great value if you’re committed to growing your leadership potential.